Living Hope Farm
Growing Food • Faith • Community
Grilled Pork Tenderloin with Huckleberry Cream Sauce
1-2 pound pork tenderloin
2 tbs. olive oil
1 tbs. sea salt
2 tbs. freshly cracked pepper, divided
1/2 cup chicken broth
1/3 cup half & half
3 tbs. huckleberries
1/4 cup soft cheese (blue, goat or fontina recommended)
Place pork tenderloin between sheets of wax paper, tenderize until somewhat flat. Place in shallow baking dish and rub with olive oil, salt and half the pepper. Marinate for at least 10 minutes. Over medium-low heat, whisk half & half, chicken broth, then add huckleberries. Let simmer five minutes until sauce is silky in texture. Remove from heat, add cheese and pepper to taste. Grill tenderloin at 400 degrees, 10 minutes per side. Let rest, slice pork and drizzle with cream sauce.